Friday, June 11, 2010


Cameron's sister Lindsay is in town, and as always, we are having a great time together. This week we went to Disneyland, of course, and the kids had so much fun being all together. Molly, Lindsay's youngest, is obsessed with Princess Aurora. Grandma and Grandpa promised that this visit we would find her for Molly and she could meet her and get her picture with her. The only way to ensure we would find that sinking princess was to go and have lunch at Ariel's Grotto in California Adventure. Surprisingly the food was good, it better be for how much it costs, and the kids got to see the princesses. Andie confirmed that yes, indeed, she is a tomboy. She DOES NOT like Disney princesses! She cried when they came out because she was worried they were going to come and see her. I promised that we would not have to go and meet them, but even then Andie held onto me for dear life. The whole time we were eating she just wanted to go see her "pals" Buzz and Woody. I have been asked if I am worried that she seems to like boys things more than girls. The child wears boy Toy Story underwear for crying out loud. My response to it is, no, I am not worried. The way I see it, I don't have to buy different things for Brady and to me that's smart spending. She also enjoys doing her make up with me and wearing dresses so she has some girl in her.
We stayed in a hotel that night in anticipation for a second day at Disney. I know I have mentioned this before, but Andie LOVES to stay in hotels, I mean LOVES! She asks a few times a week if we are going to stay in a hotel somewhere or another. The kids, especially Brady, ran between the two hotel rooms as if they had just been let out of their cage for the first time in a week. Around 10 o'clock, half the kids were sleeping and the adults were winding down getting ready to go to sleep as well. Everyone was in their rooms and I decided to go and get some ice before going to bed. The ice machine was directly across from our room so I closed the door on Andie and Brady, my key in my pocket, and filled up the bucket. In the 30 seconds it took to fill that bucket up, Andie and Brady had gotten out of the room, ran to where I was and before I could even realize they were out in the hall with me, Brady lowered from being on his tiptoes and the fire alarm sounded!
OH MY FREAKING HELL, THE CHILD JUST PULLED THE FIRE ALARM, IN OUR HOTEL!!! The lights were rolling and the calm voice coming through the loud speaker..."There has been report of a fire, please locate the nearest stairwell calmly, do not use the elevator..." over and over again. I could have crawled in a hole and died. I ran back into the room, Andie and Brady in tow, yelled to Cameron to call the front desk and let them know it was a false alarm. As I walked into Lindsay's room I see her on the phone and she was asking the front desk, "hi, the fire alarm is going off, is there...?" Apparently before she could even finish the girl at the front desk said, "the fire alarm is going off? are you freaking kidding me?!?" and hung up on her. As I threw my now scared and crying children into bed and threatened them with their lives if they moved, there was a knock on the door. Bill and Karen all dressed to go outside asked what they could do to help us with the kids. I had to tell them it was nothing just Brady and at this point we could hear the firetrucks blaring down the street out of our window! Talk about embarrassment! I could have died! That's Brady for you, into everything and doing exactly what he shouldn't do. He sure keeps me on my toes.
I am looking forward to more adventures this week. With all these kids something else very exciting is bound to happen.


Kimmie said...

AAAAHHH!!!! oh my gosh! what a nightmare! but so funny and will be a great story to tell later! oh man!

Lively's said...

This would only happen to YOU!

Jen said...

I guess you're lucky they didn't charge you some sort of fine because of the false alarm. That would have put a damper on the festivities for sure.